Wednesday, February 13, 2008


At times, the internship process can become a bit tedious. There is a bunch of written work for it, because it is a twelve-credit class. I actually enjoy writing and prefer it to test taking! For those of you who aren't great test takers, you will enjoy this part of the college process as well! I have been doing a lot of filing and paper work for Yvette. She teamed up with the Super bowl this year, and she thinks she will again next year! The Super bowl is in Florida next year. Yvette told me she might need me to be stationed there to interview and have meetings with potential staff members. I am so excited I chose this internship! It has already given me so many opportunities! I may be able to go to a meeting in the Bahamas at the end of May. I have learned how to do invoices and organize time sheets this past week. You need to do time sheets in order to coordinate payroll for the staff that worked. It is all a long process, and you get people constantly calling and wondering where their checks are. It can become such a nuisance and headache! I love the job because Yvette makes it exciting, even on the worst days! I can't wait to see what my future has to hold! I love my major and I love my internship!

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